Junior School

Junior School students (Foundation, Years 1 and 2) had a good start to the new academic year. Grade 1s welcomed the new students into their classrooms and made new friends. It is pleasing to see them begin to learn school routines and rules to have a wonderful learning time together.

Foundation students have been introduced to the play based Investigations. It encourages them to share space and resources with each other cooperatively. The children are supported in making choices with their learning and thinking creatively that suit their interests. It provides them an opportunity to develop their oral language and negotiation skills.

Junior School

Junior School

New students have been introduced to Heatherhill School staff and the different areas such as the office, canteen, playground , library, Italian room and the big hall. The children enjoy playing in the playground and in the sandpit with their friends during playtimes and lunch times.

Junior School

Our Junior School motto is - We believe we can achieve.







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