At Heatherhill Primary School, we prepare students transitioning from kindergarten to prep, year to year, and primary to secondary. Our comprehensive transition program provides the opportunity for students to understand what to expect as they progress to the next level of their education.
To build a sense of belonging and connectedness and induct new students into our school, we encourage future preps and new students to attend our whole school transition program. Participation in the transition program allows new students to meet their peers and class teacher, experience the learning environment, and feel part of the Heatherhill Primary School community.
The transition process continues at each year level as students move through the school. Senior school teachers work with families and secondary schools to transition our Year Six students to the next stage of their education.
- Transition sesson one - Friday, November 24 - 9:15am - 10:15am
- Transition sesson two - Friday, December 1 - 9:15am - 10:15am
- Orientation session three - Tuesday, December 12 - 9:00am - 12:00 noon
- Transition session one - Friday, November 24 - 11:10am - 12.00 noon
- Transition session two - Friday, December 1 - 11:10am - 12:00 noon
- Transition session three - Friday, December 8 - 11:10am - 12:00 noon
- Orientation session three - Friday, December 12 - 9:00am - 12:00 noon
03 9546 7562.